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The path
Jester Event-III

The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern
*** Each NPC will ask us one riddle. If we answer these riddles correctly, we can get more Talent Coins at the end of the quest.

Her Karakter bize bir bilmece soracak. Bu bilmecelere doğru cevap verirsek, görevin sonunda daha fazla "Talent Coin" elde edebiliriz.

1) Current goal: Find the starting point of young warriors and speak to the residents to find your first riddle.

1) Şimdiki hedef: Genç savaşçıların başlangıç noktasını bulun ve ilk bilmecenizi öğrenmek için oradaki sakinlerle konuşun.

Chief Torgor - Settlement of Chernag
Chief Kort - Settlement of Klesva
Soru: How many torn pages from books and folios can you hand in?
Cevap: As many as you have

2) Current goal: Visit the commander for the next riddle.

2) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmece için "Commander"i ziyaret edin.

Commander Norias - Smoky Knolls
Centurion Mekden - Free Meadows
Soru: Which foods are earned for the quests during the harshest frosts of the New Year?
Cevap: Cheese and Smoked Gammon

3) Current goal: Visit the Hunter of the Undead for your next riddle.

3) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmece için Hunter of the Undead'i ziyaret edin.

Shiko - Tomb of Kings
Shiko - Royal Tomb
Soru: What does Gizedor need for you to have the opportunity to fight against a terrible liche?
Cevap: Cuddly Valdagor and Flurry Kodgrag

4) Current goal: Go to the City Fair and speak to the inhabitants for your next riddle.

4) Şimdiki hedef: City Fair'e gidin ve bir sonraki bilmece için sakinlerle konuşun.

Sheamus the Joker - City Fair
Nadilare - City Fair
Soru: Which candy is full of blissful surprises?
Cevap: Toffee with Surprise

5) Current goal: Visit the Elder to solve the next riddle.

5) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Elder'i ziyaret edin.

Elder Verkiry - City Square
Elder Baguran - City Square
Soru: What can you turn Snowdrifts into?
Cevap: Snowballs

6) Current goal: Visit the Seer to solve the next riddle.

6) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Seer'ı ziyaret edin.

Maritsa the Witch - Settlement Angrukhon
Bludiara - Thistle Brushwood
Soru: When is the spirit of Avarice nowhere to be found?
Cevap: 22:00-01:00 Magmar side

7) Current goal: Go to the Wise Man to solve the next riddle.

7) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Wise Man'e gidin.

Flavviy the Wise - Settlement of Faytir
Pandrik the Wise - Light's Edge
Soru: How many pieces do you need in total to have each origami in your backpack?
Cevap: 28 Torn corners, 32 edge fragments, 28 central fragments

8) Current goal: Go to the Mage to solve the next riddle.

8) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Mage'ye gidin.

Khorsungum - Gorge of Gondi
Frogg - Wild Forest
Soru: Yes, where can't you find the spotty bugs?
Cevap: In the fountain in the town square/Square of Fire

9) Current goal: Visit the Mermaid to solve the next riddle.

9) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Mermaid'i ziyaret edin.

Maeli the Mermaid - Sly Cove
Sorena the Mermaid - Lumirya Waterfall
Soru: Who or what will help you curb the plague of mosquitos?
Cevap: Swamp Toads

10) Current goal: Go to the Gnome Spirit to solve the next riddle.

10) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Gnome Spirit'e gidin.

Gnome Spirit - Place of Sorrow
Gnome Spirit - Graves of the Poor
Soru: Where does the cherry stone spitting competition take place?
Cevap: There isn't one

11) Current goal: Go to the Spectral Expanse to solve the next riddle.

11) Şimdiki hedef: Bir sonraki bilmeceyi çözmek için Spectral Expanse'ye gidin.

Sheara - Spectral Expanse
Sheara - Spectral Expanse
Soru: When it's time to find a partner, which weapons do not hurt you?
Cevap: Cupid’s arrow and Cupid’s bow

12) Current goal: Visit Gizedor on the Plateau of Silence for your final riddle.

12) Şimdiki hedef: Son bilmeceniz için Plateau of Silence'taki Gizedor'u ziyaret edin.

Gizedor - Plateau of Silence
Gizedor - Plateau of Silence
Soru: Left Head: Yo-ve-me-th-ri-t-ac-I-ve-e-st-dd-fo-yo- Right Head: -u'-co-to-e-gh-pl-e!-ha-th-la-ri-le-r-u. Left Head: Wh-h-as-al-en-wa-no-ye-a-bj-t-r-ri-le- Right Head: -ic-se-on-ev-t-s-t-t-su-ec-fo-a-dd-?
Cevap: October

13) Current goal: Go to the CrackerJack to report about your success!

13) Şimdiki hedef: CrackerJack'e gidip başarınızı bildirin!
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