1) Current goal: Talk to the Alchemist in the Craftsmen's Guild.
1) Şimdiki hedef: Crafsmen's Guild'deki Alchemist ile konuşun.
Veddun the Alchemist -
Cagliostro the Alchemist - (City Square - Guild of Artisans)
2) Current goal: Bring Fern Frond 15 pcs and Collected Iris 4 pcs to Veddun the Alchemist / Cagliostro the Alchemist in the Guild of Artisans.
2) Şimdiki hedef: Guild of Artisans'taki Veddun the Alchemist / Cagliostro the Alchemist'e 15 adet Fern Frond ve 4 adet Collected Iris getirin.
Fern "JUNE - FERN FLOWERING" etkinliği süresince toplanabilir.
15x 4x
3) Current goal: Go to the Mage to ask him for the red color.
3) Şimdiki hedef: Mage'ye gidin ve ondan kırmızı rengi isteyin.
Khorsungum the mage -
Arnabag the mage)
4) Current goal: Go to the Jeweler to ask him for the blue color.
4) Şimdiki hedef: Jeweler'a gidin ve ondan mavi rengi isteyin.
Jeweler Korundum - Esmeril - (City Square - Guild of Artisans)
5) Current goal: Bring the named ingredients for the colors to the alchemist. (Sapphire Dust 100 pcs, Magic Red Ink 10 pcs)
5) Şimdiki hedef: Bahsedilen renkler için Alchemist'e malzemeleri getirin( 100 adet Sapphire Dust ve 10 adet Magic Red Ink).
Veddun the Alchemist - Cagliostro the Alchemist - (City Square - Guild of Artisans)
100x 10x
6) Current goal: Wait at last 5 minutes outside the door before you asked the alchemist about the success to the experiment.
6) Şimdiki hedef: Alchemist'e deneyin başarısını sormadan önce dışarıda en az 5 dakika bekleyin.
Received: Rainbow Petals .
Elde Edildi: Rainbow Petals
7) Current goal: Go back to the tavern and report the results to CrackerJack.
7) Şimdiki hedef: Tavernaya geri dönün ve sonuçları CrackerJack'e bildirin.
CrackerJack - The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub /
CrackerJack - Mary´s Tavern)